
Celebrating the Little Things

By Megan Shadrick July 2, 2017

This past week our boys got to observe Mommy struggling to do the smallest tasks and having to ask for help a lot. Due to having surgery on my dominant shoulder the smallest tasks were quite challenging for the first week. Despite the pain and frustration there were some special moments along the way…

Every morning my Grandma pulled back my hair; which I haven’t needed her to do since I was a little girl. I couldn’t help but smile every time I handed her the hair brush and hair band.

My boys decided they needed to help me put my socks on. Although it wasn’t very successful; they at least got them halfway on so I could finish.

One night at dinner my husband told our oldest son to use his fork and not his fingers…fortunately he didn’t catch me cheating! He had a third toddler at the table for several days and I probably had the worst utensil skills!

The first time I could move my arm enough to feed myself with my dominant arm, put my socks on, and pull my hair back; my boys cheered and told me how proud they were of me.

If your summer is going anything like ours I encourage you to try and find those little moments each day to smile about. It can be so easy to pass those silly moments by when life gets so crazy and feels out of control!

Wishing you and your family a Happy and safe Fourth of July!